6. 7th November_PPTX on Inventions by Tomislav by Ena&Mirna by Ana&Lana
5. 25th October_ Brainstorming on inventions and catastrophes on 20th century by 6 and 8 classes
Each slide must have: pupil's name, name of Invention/catastrophe, year, photo, link to valid
source) https://www.facebook.com/groups/353200915125358/
4. 20th October_Questionnaire_Constitution of international teams [google form]
3. 11th October_Students [forum] and school [Padlet, Thinglink] completing Questionnaire for creating
international teames (Google form EN)
2. 27th September_Updating profiles, Collecting parental consent letters
1. 25th September_Introducing the project to the project team.
Page to be used as a blog by each partner school
(Team's diary and freestyle posting; links to collaborative pages also)