Merlara, IT[En]

Hello from Merlara, in the North East of Italy. We are very happy to join this project.

27 August 2017 first videconference.

10 September: our Village.

10 October: I add my pupils.

12-20 October: Pupils present themselves in the forum.

19 October : School team (

20 October: pupils answer to a google form.

25 October: completed google form. Inventions and catastrophes: brainstorming.

30 October: pupils discover their teams. Teacher invite pupils to get in touch with other members of their teams.

7-8-9 ...November: Pupils add thier ideas in the forum.

10 November: pupils worked in a map and colour partners' countries.

Pupils working on the forums (20th November 2017)


27-29 November Pupils make the Christmas Postcards for the partners.


20-29 November pupils keep on adding posts in the forum.


11 December live event

16  December Presentation of the project during the open day.

December / January: Every student uploads photo and text in the group padlet.

02 February we create a poster with Christmas cards.

06 February Safer Internet Day: we made poster and video

15 February: working in the twinspace

25 February Evaluation form (teacher)

26 February Evaluation form (Students)

9th May A letter from Tunisie:


with a Christmas Cards!!!


29th May Students play the game and enjoy


 7th June we prepare an etwinning corner at annual school exhibition

8th June X-ray blu-ray in our school's newspaper (by Loris, Emma, Ilaria and Annalisa)